Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Diseases I Could Live With

I just came across an article about a woman who has almost
200 orgasms a day. The story claims she "suffers" from Permanent Sexual Arousal Syndrome, but the big shit-eating grin on her face in her picture leads me to believe that we have two different definitions of suffering. Though this part of the story sounds like it could get dangerous:

"I was doing a bikini wax and you have to really concentrate and keep your hands very still, and mine go a bit wobbly when I orgasm. I had to pretend I had cramp in my foot and just stood there wriggling around on the spot and stifling my moans until it was over."

Apparently she developed it as a side effect of taking anti-depressants, so Prozac here we come!

It seems that British people get all of the cool diseases (probably as some sort of consulation prize for the teeth), because this story covers a man who is unable to get fat. He has a condition called lipodystrophy that causes him to produce too much insulin. He can eat anything he wants and as much as he wants without ever getting fat.

This disease sounds promising too. Kleine-Levin syndrome is characterized by excessive sleep (up to 20 hrs/day), excessive eating, and an abnormally uninhibited sexual drive. So basically you sleep all day and get up for 4 hours to feed and breed. PLUS you'd get a doctor's note excusing you from work, and they prescribe you uppers for treatment. Not too shabby. Unfortunately it's not contagious.

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