Thursday, August 21, 2008

Internet Links - 8/21/08

Today's Links

The Washington Post has an article about how Pandora is on the verge of shutting down. I hope they find a way to resolve this, its a great way to find out about new music.

Here's an article about all the great Olympic sex the athletes are having in Beijing. I'm sure Michael Phelps' goofy ass is ear-deep in it.

No more Cheetos for Britney Spears? They go together like a grilled-cheese sandwich and tomato soup. I'll believe it when I see it.

Hip hop Republicans? Kind of makes sense in the same way that 50 Cent calls George W. "a gangsta" because he had the balls to go into Afghanistan and Iraq.

Those cheeky Brits.


Unknown said...

"It is a common sight to see recently knocked-out athletes gorging on Magnums and McDonald's, swilling alcohol and, of course, shagging like crazy. Sometimes all three at the same time."
Unrestrained hedonism rules

presto1775 said...

True dat. It sounds like it would be impossible to do all three at once, but if you had one of those beer drinking helmets I think you could pull it off.